►Nanonymous_namespace{tools.h} | |
CHolder | |
►NEigen | |
►Ninternal | |
Cauto_diff_special_op | |
Cauto_diff_special_op< _DerType, false > | |
Cauto_diff_special_op< _DerType, true > | |
Cmake_coherent_impl | |
Cmake_coherent_impl< A, Matrix< B_Scalar, B_Rows, B_Cols, B_Options, B_MaxRows, B_MaxCols > > | |
Cmake_coherent_impl< A, SparseVector< B_Scalar, B_Options, B_Index > > | |
Cmake_coherent_impl< Matrix< A_Scalar, A_Rows, A_Cols, A_Options, A_MaxRows, A_MaxCols >, B > | |
Cmake_coherent_impl< Matrix< A_Scalar, A_Rows, A_Cols, A_Options, A_MaxRows, A_MaxCols >, Matrix< B_Scalar, B_Rows, B_Cols, B_Options, B_MaxRows, B_MaxCols > > | |
Cmake_coherent_impl< SparseVector< A_Scalar, A_Options, A_Index >, B > | |
Cmake_coherent_impl< SparseVector< A_Scalar, A_Options, A_Index >, SparseVector< B_Scalar, B_Options, B_Index > > | |
CAutoDiffChainHessian | |
CAutoDiffChainHessianSparse | |
CAutoDiffChainJacobian | |
CAutoDiffChainJacobianSparse | |
CAutoDiffScalar | |
CFiniteDiffChainHessian | |
CFiniteDiffChainJacobian | |
CNumTraits< AutoDiffScalar< DerType > > | |
CNumTraits< AutoDiffScalar< SparseVector< DerType_ > > > | |
CScalarBinaryOpTraits< AutoDiffScalar< DerType >, typename DerType::Scalar, BinOp > | |
CScalarBinaryOpTraits< typename DerType::Scalar, AutoDiffScalar< DerType >, BinOp > | |
►Nexotica | |
►Nvisualization | |
CAnimation | |
CAnimationOption | |
CArrayFloat | |
CArrayInt | |
CBase | |
CClip | |
CDelete | |
CGeometry | |
CGeometryBox | |
CGeometryCylinder | |
CGeometryMesh | |
CGeometryMeshBuffer | |
CGeometryMeshBufferData | |
CGeometrySphere | |
CKey | |
CMaterial | |
CMeshObject | |
CMetaData | |
CObject | |
CObjectData | |
CProperty | |
CSetAnimation | |
CSetObjectType | |
CSetTransform | |
CTrack | |
CAbstractDDPSolver | |
CAbstractDynamicsSolver | |
CAbstractFeasibilityDrivenDDPSolver | |
CAbstractTimeIndexedProblem | |
CAICOSolver | Solves motion planning problem using Approximate Inference Control method |
CAllowedCollisionMatrix | |
CAnalyticDDPSolver | |
CAttachedObject | |
CAvoidLookAtSphere | Avoids pointing end-effector at a given spherical object |
CBayesianIKSolver | Solves motion planning problem using Approximate Inference Control method |
CBKPIECESolver | |
CBoundedEndPoseProblem | Bound constrained end-pose problem implementation |
CBoundedTimeIndexedProblem | Bound constrained time-indexed problem |
CBoxQPSolution | |
CCartpoleDynamicsSolver | |
CCenterOfMass | |
CCollisionCheck | |
CCollisionDistance | |
CCollisionProxy | |
CCollisionScene | The class of collision scene |
►CCollisionSceneFCLLatest | |
CCollisionData | |
CDistanceData | |
CContinuousCollisionProxy | |
CContinuousJointPose | |
CControlKPIECESolver | |
CControlLimitedDDPSolver | |
CControlLimitedFeasibilityDrivenDDPSolver | |
CControlRegularization | |
CControlRRTSolver | |
CDistance | |
CDistanceToLine2D | |
CDoubleIntegratorDynamicsSolver | |
CDynamicTimeIndexedShootingProblem | |
CEffAxisAlignment | |
CEffBox | Limits every given end-effector motion to a box in some reference frame |
CEffFrame | |
CEffOrientation | |
CEffPosition | |
CEffPositionXY | |
CEffVelocity | |
CEndPoseProblem | Arbitrarily constrained end-pose problem implementation |
CEndPoseTask | |
CESTSolver | |
CException | |
CFactory | Templated Object factory for Default-constructible classes. The Factory is itself a singleton |
CFeasibilityDrivenDDPSolver | |
CFeedbackMotionSolver | |
CFunctorBase | |
CGazeAtConstraint | Keeps a given point within field of view of the end-effector |
CIKSolver | Weighted and Regularized Pseudo-Inverse Inverse Kinematics Solver The solver solves a weighted and regularised pseudo-inverse problem. It uses backtracking line-search and adaptive regularization |
CILQGSolver | |
CILQRSolver | |
CInitializer | |
CInitializerBase | |
CInstantiable | |
CInstantiableBase | |
CInteractionMesh | |
CJointAccelerationBackwardDifference | Time-derivative estimation by backward differencing. JointAccelerationBackwardDifference uses backward differencing to estimate the second time derivative of the joint state |
CJointJerkBackwardDifference | Time-derivative estimation by backward differencing. JointJerkBackwardDifference uses backward differencing to estimate the third time derivative of the joint state |
CJointLimit | Implementation of joint limits task map. Note: we dont want to always stay at the centre of the joint range, be lazy as long as the joint is not too close to the low/high limits |
CJointPose | |
CJointTorqueMinimizationProxy | |
CJointVelocityBackwardDifference | Time-derivative estimation by backward differencing. JointVelocityBackwardDifference uses backward differencing to estimate the first time derivative of the joint state |
CJointVelocityLimit | Joint Velocity Limit taskmap for time-indexed problems. Penalisations of joint velocity limit violation within a specified percentage of the velocity limit |
CJointVelocityLimitConstraint | Joint velocity limit task map for non time-indexed problems |
CKinematicElement | |
CKinematicFrame | |
CKinematicFrameRequest | |
CKinematicResponse | The KinematicResponse is the container to keep kinematic update data. The corresponding KinematicSolution is created from and indexes into a KinematicResponse |
CKinematicSolution | The KinematicSolution is created from - and maps into - a KinematicResponse |
CKinematicsRequest | |
CKinematicTree | |
CKPIECESolver | |
CLazyPRMSolver | |
CLBTRRTSolver | |
CLevenbergMarquardtSolver | |
CLookAt | Points end-effector to look at a given target by aligning end-effector z-axis with the target. Looks at a target point by penalizing the vector which defines the orthogonal projection onto a defined line in the end-effector frame |
CManipulability | Manipulability measure. The manipulability measure for a robot at a given joint configuration indicates dexterity, that is, how isotropic the robot's motion is with respect to the task space motion. The measure is high when the manipulator is capable of equal motion in all directions and low when the manipulator is close to a singularity. This task map implements Yoshikawa's manipulability measure |
CMotionSolver | |
CObject | |
COMPLControlSolver | |
►COMPLDubinsRNStateSpace | |
CStateType | |
COMPLRNProjection | |
►COMPLRNStateSpace | |
CStateType | |
COMPLSE2RNProjection | |
►COMPLSE2RNStateSpace | |
CStateType | |
COMPLSE3RNProjection | |
►COMPLSE3RNStateSpace | |
CStateType | |
COMPLSolver | |
COMPLStatePropagator | |
COMPLStateSpace | |
COMPLStateValidityChecker | |
►COMPLTimeIndexedRNStateSpace | |
CStateType | |
►COMPLTimeIndexedRRTConnect | |
CMotion | Representation of a motion |
CTreeGrowingInfo | Information attached to growing a tree of motions (used internally) |
COMPLTimeIndexedStateValidityChecker | |
CPendulumDynamicsSolver | |
CPinocchioDynamicsSolver | |
CPinocchioDynamicsSolverWithGravityCompensation | |
CPlanningProblem | |
CPointToLine | |
CPointToPlane | PointToPlane TaskMap: Penalises the z-distance between two frames - or the distance of a point (represented by the Link frame) spanned by the normal represented through the z-axis of a second frame (represented by the Base frame) |
CPrintable | |
CPRMSolver | |
CProperty | |
CQuadrotorDynamicsSolver | Quadrotor dynamics with quaternion representation Based on D. Mellinger, N. Michael, and V. Kumar, "Trajectory generation and control for precise aggressive maneuvers with quadrotors", Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER 2010), 2010. Cf. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0278364911434236 |
CQuasiStatic | |
CRegistrar | Registration Class for the object type: Also templated: |
CRosNode | |
CRRTConnectSolver | |
CRRTSolver | |
CRRTStarSolver | |
CSamplingProblem | |
CSamplingTask | |
CScene | The class of EXOTica Scene |
CServer | |
CSetup | |
CSinglePassMeanCovariance | |
CSmoothCollisionDistance | |
CSolveException | |
CSphereCollision | |
CSumOfPenetrations | |
CTask | |
CTaskIndexing | |
CTaskMap | |
CTaskSpaceVector | |
CTaskVectorEntry | |
CTestCout | |
CTimeIndexedProblem | Time-indexed problem with bound, joint velocity, and general equality/inequality constraints |
CTimeIndexedRRTConnectSolver | |
CTimeIndexedSamplingProblem | |
CTimeIndexedTask | |
CTimer | |
CTrajectory | |
CUnconstrainedEndPoseProblem | |
CUnconstrainedTimeIndexedProblem | Unconstrained time-indexed problem |
CUncopyable | |
CVariableSizeCollisionDistance | |
CVisualElement | |
CVisualizationMeshcat | |
CVisualizationMoveIt | |
CXMLLoader | |
►Nstd | |
Cnumeric_limits< Eigen::AutoDiffScalar< T & > > | |
Cnumeric_limits< Eigen::AutoDiffScalar< T > > | |