XML Parsing

This part of the tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous XML initialization tutorial. If this is not the case, please go back and complete it first.

In this section, we will create a parser in C++ to handle the XML file we created last time. For Python, the procedure is very similar - refer to the Python examples .

This snippet of code shows how this is implemented in the xml.cpp file in the EXOTica examples:

#include <exotica_core/exotica_core.h>
#include <exotica_core/problems/unconstrained_end_pose_problem.h>

using namespace exotica;

void run()
    Server::InitRos(std::shared_ptr<ros::NodeHandle>(new ros::NodeHandle("~")));

    Initializer solver, problem;

    std::string file_name;
    Server::getParam("ConfigurationFile", file_name);

    XMLLoader::load(file_name, solver, problem);

HIGHLIGHT_NAMED("XMLnode", "Loaded from XML");


EXOTica Server

Firstly we use the exotica Server class to initialize the ROS node we will be using from now on. This Server class will handle a lot of our ROS dealings from here on.

We next get the filename of the Configuration File we need to parse. This argument is the name of the XML file which we set up previously, which will have been specified in the roslaunch file under the parameter name ConfigurationFile.

We will look at setting up our roslaunch files in more detail later.

XML Loader

Now we have the file name and have created some initializers in which to hold the solver and the problem, we can now do the actual XML loading. This is done with the XMLLoader:

XMLLoader::load(file_name,solver, problem);

To which we pass the filename which we filled earlier and the two empty initializers. When these initializers are returned they contain the initialization details which we input in the XML file. These are now ready for the next step which is common to the XML and coded initialization methods.