
Our documentation is built using Sphinx.

In order to build the documentation offline, you require the sphinx and sphinx_rtd_theme packages to be installed on your machine:

sudo apt install python-sphinx python-sphinx-rtd-theme

Navigating to exotica/doc, you can create the documentation by running make html. It can be found in _build/html.

The documentation is written in reStructured Text. Sphinx provides a great reStructured Text reference.

The generated documentation for the current master release is always up to date on GitHub.

C++ API Documentation

In order to build the Doxygen C++ API documentation, you require doxygen to be installed on your system (e.g. via sudo apt install doxygen). After navigating to the doc folder in the exotica package, you can then run doxygen to generate the C++ API documentation. It will be created in doxygen_cpp/doxygen_cpp.

The generated C++ API doxygen for the current master release is always up to date on GitHub.